Emily '24

Why did you choose BB&N? And why do you love giving tours?
I chose BB&N because of the competitive academic environment and the sense of community found in all aspects of the school. From the classroom to the sports field, students encourage each other to do their best and always support their classmates. I love giving tours because it’s an amazing experience to meet prospective families, hear about their interests, and show them around our beautiful campus.
What activities are you involved in?
I play on the varsity field hockey, JV ice hockey, and varsity softball teams. I’m also the president of the Girls Advancing in STEM (GAINS) club and a French Global Exchange Ambassador. Additionally, I play the trombone in the school orchestra.
What BB&N tradition do you love the most?
My favorite BB&N tradition is the winter orchestra concert. I love it because it’s the culmination of all the work we’ve done since the beginning of the school year, and it’s great to show the audience a concert full of repertoire that we’re all really proud of. The completion of the orchestra concert also means we’re close to the winter holidays which is my favorite time of the year.
What do Honor, Scholarship, and Kindness mean to you?
To me, honor, scholarship, and kindness are how I approach a lot of my experiences at BB&N. While it’s incredibly important to keep striving for excellence in the classroom, I try to never lose sight of how I interact with other people and my studies, as the key to a truly well-rounded education and person is good relationships with both school and people.
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the chairs in the quiet room that overlook the woodshop and April’s Garden. It’s the perfect place to get work done because it’s a completely silent space and it’s really nice to look out over the campus while you think about the next point in an essay or a hard math problem.
What are you most looking forward to this school year?
I’m most looking forward to the Junior Profile. While I recognize it’s going to be a lot of work, I think it’s going to be really interesting to work with someone I’ve never met before and learn more about their life and work. Even now, I’m really enjoying thinking about what areas I might be interested in and potential careers I could study.