Looking back as a Lifer

Fifteen years ago, I made a life-altering decision. I chose BB&N. After many visits, interviews—and, thankfully, acceptances–my parents allowed me to decide where I would go to school. And I picked here! Even after fourteen years of being a knight, I’m not quite sure what made my four-year-old self pick this school out of the many incredible institutions in the area, but I can truly say that I would never trade my experiences here for anything.
Now that it’s almost time for me to graduate, I thought I would reflect back on my life at BB&N. First of all, the Lifers and all my peers I have known for almost, just, and over a decade. Getting to spend so many years with the same group of kids, watching one another go through some of the most transformative times in our lives, creates a bond that can’t be replicated quite in any other way. I feel so lucky to be a part of their lives, and through it, I have undoubtedly made lifelong friends! Although I don’t think I will be in close contact with everyone after graduation, I know that if we ever run into one another on a random sidewalk in a random city, our shared childhood memories will keep us from ever being true strangers.
Next, the teachers. The luck I had with my classmates definitely continued with my teachers. From empowering shy Alisa, all the way to helping her find what she is passionate about, my teachers have helped me become the person I am today. I really would be nothing without all my teachers. On top of that, they provided me with countless opportunities to grow even more. I will never forget Linda who let me be a book club leader for the kids of the Morse building as a sixth grader or Dr. Lippard who let me serve on the US director hiring committees as a junior. All these experiences and their mentorship has helped me build my leadership skills and confidence.
Lastly, I wanted to say thank you to all our writers and readers. I’ve had the pleasure of being a co-editor of this blog, and I really appreciate that we, as students, get this space to talk about our interests. This blog will always have a special place in my heart, so thank you!