First Annual 8th Grade Art Exhibition Amazes Community

“How is this humanly possible?” remarked one visiting third grader in the Learning Library Commons today while viewing a 2D art project. For the first time, middle school art teacher Stephanie Moon spearheaded an exhibition to showcase the visual art media students explored in their classes. Through a variety of courses in eighth grade, students crafted drawings, paintings, comics, zines, and a stop-motion video for the community to enjoy.
Each student created a poster showing their progress throughout the semester, with side-by-side comparisons of the same drawings and a reflection on their growth. Some classes even included their sketchbooks, where viewers could flip through and see the steps and elements that went into the final project.
The artists’ parents stopped by the LLC before the school day, and classes from the Lower School perused the art after a read-along with the librarian, Christina Dominique-Pierre. Beginners even tried their hand at sketching their favorite display.
In a magnificent display of hard work and talent, the community appreciated the dedication and bravery of students who displayed their work for all to see. Thank you to Stephanie Moon for organizing this event and Christina Dominique-Pierre for providing a space to host!