When Everything Goes Wrong, Middle Schoolers do it Right and Win Gold
Most actors and actresses’ worst fear is forgetting lines and blocking on stage during a performance, but what if that was the whole plot? The one-act play, The Scheme of the Driftless Shifter, written by Carolyn Lane and directed by Middle School drama teacher Christa Crewdson was a hilarious delight for audience members and a winning entry for the Middle School Drama Festival.
In this comedic story about a playhouse putting on a dramatic show, everything goes awry, from crew members needing to be props to consistent lapses in line memorization that call for the stage manager to help. Actors, actresses, and even custodial staff break the fourth wall so many times that it can’t be considered a wall anymore as the cast attempts to tell the story of Petunia’s (Sandy Narayan, ’27) desire to marry the allegedly penniless Victor Strongheart (Sebastien TranPham ’27)—insert heroic music here—against the wishes of her father, Pompington (Justin Hildebrant ’27). When Petunia’s sister gets kidnapped, it’s up to Victor Stringheart—cue music—to save the family and endear himself to her father.
From start to finish, the students put on an amusing spectacle for all and a formidable showing that earned them first place out of a whopping 33 other schools! Eighth-graders Linus Goulthrope (Piano Player), Sandy Narayan, and Francisco Santos (Man Behind Lady In Hat/Rover) all won individual accolades for their outstanding performances. Congratulations to the whole cast and director Christa Crewdson on their impressive achievement.
Click here for a gallery of the performance.