Thoughts on my last day of high school

By BB&N May 31, 2023

This past Friday was my final day of high school. It was bittersweet and exciting, emotional and nostalgic, but more than anything else, this final Friday made me so proud of myself and all of my classmates. With everyone wearing shirts boasting their plans for next year, hugging one another and taking pictures and videos, a sense of peace and joy was evident on everyone’s face. Finally, we found the light at the end of the tunnel.

The Class of 2023 certainly had a tumultuous and not-so-normal high school experience. From Zoom calls and COVID-19 testing to masking in school and taking English tests in the basketball court, we persevered, held our heads high, and made lasting memories along the way. Through it all, I’ve also learned a few things about maximizing one’s time here.

So, as my time at BB&N comes to an end, I want to give back to the place I’ve considered my second home for 14 years, and I feel the best way to do so is to impart wisdom on the current and incoming freshmen.

First, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of balancing your time on the weekend. As a freshman, I spent nearly my entire weekend painstakingly doing work, and if I did go out with my friends or family, I would be stressed and want to rush back to start my work again—and that is not healthy! As I grew older, I instead spent one weekend day getting my work done, and the other day doing something fun, and it changed my mindset completely. Even if spending a day doing something fun means you can’t get all your work done, don’t worry! If you plan accordingly, you can complete it during your free block on Monday instead. Trust me, it is worth it.

Second, I would like to encourage you all to join clubs that speak to you, rather than joining clubs you believe look good on a resume. If you enjoy what you do outside of classes, I guarantee you will feel happier and more rejuvenated during the school day. Clubs will become a fun activity where you can relax and connect with others rather than a chore or task you have to fulfill.

Finally, I want you to enjoy your time here. It is very easy to become stressed and anxious about the smallest things, and let the college talk get to your head, but try your best not to let that happen. These four years should be memorable in the best way possible, and believe me, your time here will go by very quickly. So, remember to live a balanced life, do things that make you happy, and take breaks from your work. You are better for it.