Reflecting on the end of the road
With only two weeks left of classes for seniors, I feel I’ve learned how to become more present. I always used to say, “I can’t wait until I graduate,” and while that is still true, graduation only being a couple of months away feels surreal. I can’t wait to start a new chapter in my life; however, I’m trying to not get too ahead of myself. My friend who graduated last year told me to enjoy these moments and try to do all the senior activities, and so, that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to accomplish.
Next week, for example, is senior assassin! I am so excited. A part of me feels a bit of imposter syndrome because whenever previous senior classes played assassin, I’d envy how free they seemed and their feeling of being close to the finish line—but now I’m in their position. I thought that by the time I submitted all my college applications, I would have already come to terms with being a senior, but it still hasn’t completely hit. It’s crazy that in a couple of months, I could be in an entirely different state with people from all over the country—and even the world. To be honest, graduation might be the time when it hits, and I realize my high school years really are over.
Now, again, I don’t want to get too ahead of myself, because I still have a couple of months to enjoy my high school experience. Senior Spring Project is just right around the corner, and it will be an awesome opportunity to learn and know what it’s like to be in complete control of my own schedule. I’ve filled my time with learning how to play the guitar, getting life advice, talking about stereotypes in films, and learning how to video edit with my mom’s old camcorder (the activity I’m most excited about). I’ll even be learning how to golf and who knows—maybe I’ll become a golf prodigy. With high school ending, I think spring will be a nice time to reflect and enjoy the different activities we have the privilege to experience.
I’m very grateful for my time at BB&N and everyone who’s been involved in my academic journey. I’ve learned so much, and I truly think freshman-me would be proud. There are so many people who’ve helped me get to where I am, and I will always appreciate them. This moment in my life definitely is bittersweet, but I tell myself that everything is temporary and there’s so much more ahead.