On and Off Campus Blog: Sharing my experiences with Prospective Students

January 25, 2024

By Aanika Mohta ‘25

This past fall, I had the opportunity to work with the admissions office as part of the Students
Admissions Board (SAB). This has been an enjoyable experience because I have both learned
more about the school met a lot of different people interested in attending BB&N. Through both
tours and open houses, I have heard about many different interests and different ways people are
excited to get involved in the BB&N community.

Typically, I begin a tour by asking prospective students questions about their favorite
subjects. As we move past whatever wing their favorite subject is located in, I see them peek in,
always armed and ready with a question about the curriculum. One of my favorite parts of giving
tours is the excitement on prospective students’ faces when they see BB&N classrooms. It also
reminds me of my favorite parts of BB&N. I love the collaborative atmosphere, where a large
emphasis is placed on group work and discussing ideas with each other. Another thing I love
about BB&N is getting to work with teachers, both in and out of the classroom, and being able to
ask questions about the subject they teach.

In my role with SAB, I help out at open houses. These events are typically larger, and
families often visit and walk around. At the open houses, all the classrooms are available for
prospective families to view and explore. Yummy food is laid out and many teachers are present
to answer different types of questions. Typically, I answer questions about what it’s like to be a
student at BB&N. I tell them about all the different club and athletic opportunities, and all the
different ways to get involved in the community. For example, I participate in the South Asian
Student Association (SAS) and Round Square, and I am also a Peer Counselor. They are
interested in knowing how a classroom typically runs and what my schedule looks like. To
answer these questions, I tell them about taking Latin with Ms. Cranston and pre-calculus with
Dr. Cyr. I tell them that one of my favorite classes this year is U.S. History, and I have enjoyed
getting to learn how many themes in today’s conversations originated earlier in history.

Sharing my experiences is often helpful for them to learn more about the school. Once,
after I gave a family a tour, the prospective student reached out to me to tell me how much they
appreciated me sharing my experience with them. This email made me feel glad that I was able
to share the best parts of BB&N with other families.

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