Lower School Students Hit the Beach for Family Science Saturday
Lower School families hit the beach earlier this month during a Family Science Saturday that involved exploring the marine habitat along the coast of Duxbury Beach. Under the tutelage of Lower School science teachers Lauren Rader, Carol Fine, and Lizzie Rosenberger students and their parents used nets, shovels, buckets, and their hands to uncover all sorts of critters along the beach and ocean’s edge.
Duxbury Beach and green crabs, spider crabs, mummichogs, killifish, horseshoe crabs, hermit crabs, pipefish, shrimp, razor clams, softshell clams, and oysters were among the many creatures searched for (and in some cases) handled and studied during the event. In addition to the fun of exploring a beach, the day allowed for an education in the marine ecosystem and tied into science classes taking place on campus. If only every day at school was literally “a day at the beach!”
Click here for a photo gallery from the day.