BB&N Best Buddies Club Invites Joseph Kennedy III to Upper School
When Joseph Kennedy III graduated from BB&N in 1999, the Americans with Disabilities Act was only 9 years old. Today, thanks to the work of Kennedy’s extended family and many other advocates, programs like Best Buddies and the Special Olympics are prominent organizations in America and around BB&N.
The leaders of the Best Buddies Club, Zoe Li-Khan ’25 and Arvaneh Jamil ’24 invited the prominent BB&N alumnus to speak at the weekly assembly to celebrate March as Disability Awareness Month. Kennedy has a deep familial connection to disability awareness through his grandmother Eunice Shriver who founded Camp Shriver which later morphed into the Special Olympics.
Li-Khan is no stranger to the work that Kennedy shared, she is invested in Best Buddies at school and the Special Olympics through her town. The junior created an adaptive gymnastics program at Exxcel Gymnastics in Newton to benefit her sister and other children with disabilities. She is also committed to Project Bridges, a collaboration between BB&N and the Cotting School.
BB&N has a rich history of student advocacy from alumni like Kennedy and current students like Li–Khan. If the lively interactions at the assembly are any indication, future Knights will continue their work.