girls cross country runner running.


Cross Country – Girls JV

The Girls JV Cross Country team aims to compete at the highest levels, both on the course and in the classroom, building skills that will help students succeed in school and beyond and elevate them to the varsity level.

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  • Record
  • Coaches
Date Opponent Home/Away Result
11/16/24 @
11/9/24 @
11/1/24 @
9/14/24 @ Multi-Opponent Brooks School

Matthew Turnbull

History Teacher, Athletic Coach

Charles O’Rourke

Bus Driver, Head Varsity Cross Country Coach
Coach Charlie O’Rourke began coaching Cross-Country at BB&N in 1987. He has led the Knights to the ISL Championship in 1997 and to numerous top three finishes at the New England Championships. He is the Head Coach of both Boys and Girls XC Teams and Coach of the Boys Track Teams. He has coached 2 National Track Champions, the latest was Kitso Paulson (BB&N) who won the Javelin at the New Balance Nationals at the University of Pennsylvania in June of 2023. Coach O’Rourke restarted the BBN Boys and Girls Spring Track Teams in 2019 and after two seasons the Boys team finished with a 13-7 record and the Girls Track Team was 20-0. Since the restart of the Spring Track Program the Boys Team has broken every record that was previously set in past years. O’Rourke was inducted into the Massachusetts Track Coaches Hall of Fame in was also Boston Globe Coach of the Year in 2010.   He is a USA Track & Field Level 1 and M.I.A.A. certified Track Coach.  O’Rourke is on the Board of Trustees for the Massachusetts Track Coaches Association, member of the Massachusetts Track Coaches Finance Committee and the Meet Director of the Indoor State Coaches Meet. He has been the Meet Director of the NEPSTA XC All Star Meet since 2011.

Millie Paladino

Athletic Coach

Rachel Hyland

Spanish Teacher, Athletic Coach

The JV Cross Country team is looking forward to another successful season by working on the finer details of races, and establishing roles in practice will help further them as athletes.

The coaching staff hopes to see marked improvement each week as the players get comfortable with the system that is teaching them pacing and navigating the terrain. The coaches are looking forward to seeing each and every player develop as the season progresses.